What are Business Secrets, where are they located
and who is their custodian?

Help the trades define the Business Secret:

With an approach designed by companies for companies, our consultants help define :

  • Business secrets
  • The level of impact in the event of theft
  • Information classification level 

By exploiting access rights, we can immediately locate the document directories concerned, and produce maps, indicators and unprecedented visibility.

Simplify "Need to Know" reviews:

We offer a simple, pragmatic and effective "need to know" review approach:

  • Select a subject
  • View their contributors
  • Revoke access to the subject and all associated directories in a single pass

Our consultants can support you in this type of review, and extend the use of your IAM solution in terms of access management.

Keep your confidential data in a logical order:

Our consultants can help you define the best solution architectures and approaches to sanctuary:

  • Reduce orphan directories containing sensitive data
  • Targeted and lateral investigations
  • Sanctuarization by decreasing level of confidentiality or by level of cyber risk 

Up-to-date indicators enable you to track your project through to full protection.

Performance commitments

With our ArmadAI - Confidential Data Protection consulting offer, we commit to concrete, rapid and highly targeted results thanks to the use of our approach and our AI.

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